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Admittedly, this is not what it looks like from the first photo. But the focus is really the prayer labrynth at All Saints Anglican Church, Bodalla. Which is down.

The labrynth is gravel-and-grass. As I approach it, I register the grand trees in the spacious churchyard of this late nineteenth century grandeur built from local granite – a spreading oak as splendid as any I’ve seen, which draws my attention by its scattering of acorns and its distinctive leaves …

… and a primeval bunya pine which announces its presence with a huge cone that reduces my terror of falling coconuts to a minor fear. Believing that perhaps adoration will protect me, I crouch down for a frenzy of photography, entranced by patterns and shapes, the Fibonacci design that it shares with harmless sunflowers amongst other things. It becomes the real focus of my photo-session.

I saw it on Friday. When I returned on Sunday to snaffle it so I could watch it burst open and release its nuts, it had disappeared.

My daughter tells me a friend of her harvests the cones and roasts the nuts. Her 3 year old twins love them: my daughter adds them to cabbage, banana, and mayonnaise as foods she can’t bear.

I’ve already featured bunya nuts elsewhere. If you want to know a bit more about them scroll down a fair way in this post.