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For some reason this theme of Jude’s especially tickled my fancy, so I’ll be overposting occupied benches.

On the road trip north to my Stanthorpe daughter’s place in June, we did the unimaginable and stayed in a motel. We were both still a bit jet-lagged after our return from Warsaw and decided camping on a short day wasn’t an option. After a gruelling drive through Dubbo at school’s-out time, we were ready to call it a day. The Cooee Motel in Gilgandra caught our attention: beautifully set back from the road, on parkland with huge eucalypts and benches and gazebos and statues, it rivalled some of our more spectacular bush campsites. Its name was a reminder of my year spent researching World War 1: a famous recruiting drive in 1915, the cooee march, began in Gilgandra and gathered volunteers who wanted to enlist as the procession moved to Sydney, 440 kilometres away.

So we spent a relaxed night in a motel, and discovered an occupied bench as well.
